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Servo tester CCPM for testing servo drives


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SKU: 1000589 Category:


CCPM servo tester. Allows you to estimate the speed of movement and the minimum step. Allows you to estimate the speed of movement and the minimum step, as it allows you to quickly start the drive and check the functioning of the model before the control electronics are ready. Up to 3 servo drives can be connected to the servo tester at the same time, such as SG90, Up to 3 servo drives can be connected to the servo tester at the same time, such as SG90, Up to 3 servo drives can be connected to the servo tester at the same time, such as SG90, Up to 3 servo drives can be connected to the servo tester at the same time, such as SG90, Up to 3 servo drives can be connected to the servo tester at the same time, such as SG90, Up to 3 servo drives can be connected to the servo tester at the same time, such as SG90.

Up to 3 servo drives can be connected to the servo tester at the same time, such as SG90, Up to 3 servo drives can be connected to the servo tester at the same time, such as SG90. In manual mode, the servo position is set by turning the variable resistor knob on the front panel.. In manual mode, the servo position is set by turning the variable resistor knob on the front panel.. In automatic mode, the servo constantly moves from one extreme position to another. In automatic mode, the servo constantly moves from one extreme position to another, In automatic mode, the servo constantly moves from one extreme position to another. The current mode is indicated by the corresponding LED above the control knob.


  • The current mode is indicated by the corresponding LED above the control knob 15 The current mode is indicated by the corresponding LED above the control knob
  • The current mode is indicated by the corresponding LED above the control knob 4.8 – 6 Volt
  • The current mode is indicated by the corresponding LED above the control knob 42 NS 24 NS 23 mm
  • The current mode is indicated by the corresponding LED above the control knob 12 city.


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